Saturday, January 26, 2008


Billy Johnson, 5th Period, Group #3

RDA for a male 14-18 years old:

3152 calories, 3.3 liters of water, 130 grams of carbs, 38 grams of fiber & 52 grams of protein.
-Source: National Academies of Sciences

For fun I did a dietary analysis of myself yesterday to see how closely I followed these guidelines. I found that I didn't have problems with filling the calories, but it was hard to fit more nutrient-dense foods like broccoli, whole grains and apples to fill all of the RDAs for niacin, thiamine, vitamin C and iron, etc. I found a table on that showed examples of nutrient-dense foods as well as less nutrient-dense foods that would be really nice to put into our PowerPoint project.

I found some statistics on that describe a healthy diet as one that
-Emphasizes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fat-free or low-fat milk and milk products;
-Includes lean meats, poultry, fish, beans, eggs, and nuts; and
-Is low in saturated fats, trans fats, cholesterol, salt (sodium), and added sugars.

I think that if we first list the RDAs in the first couple slides, then show some cool statistics on what the average American eats and then show what a healthy diet looks like and how they can work towards having one it would make an interesting and good project. Let me know what you think. See you tomorrow in class guys.
This is for my IP & T 286 Project. I'm hypothetically a teacher making a blog for her students and giving a student example. HERE WE GO: :)

Hi students, this is Miss Piercy. You can post your blogs here. Remember that one blog post and comment is required for each student. You will reply to the blogs of your classmates in your group. I assigned you your group numbers on Friday in class. If you have any questions e-mail me at Here are some sites I suggest for researching your topics: MyPyramid. org, and You can use other sources but be careful not to plagiarize or use invalid resources. If you have any other questions or concerns refer back to the syllabus I passed out in class or just e-mail me. Thanks students, and good luck!!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Happy New Year

I hope everyone is excited for the new year. It's amazing how time flies. I'm starting to feel old-just kidding!! :) The newest news is that Perry is going to be inducted into the ACL club along with Noel and I. Man, everybody be careful with those knees. We gotta get at least one of our kids into the Liga Mexicana or into the World Cup. Feel free to post items and stuff. This can help us to stay in contact. I'm still trying to figure out how to post pictures, so hopefully I'll have those up soon. I have some friends that are Computer Science majors, so I'll have to take them up on their offers for help. I have an idea. We could write some new year's resolutions down if you guys would like to. Here's my example: I have a lot of goals that are for the school year, or others that I have been working on for a while but I'll go ahead and put them. Ok, here are a couple: maintain a 3.5 GPA or higher, run a half marathon (SLC-April 12th), get an academic scholarship for the fall, and save up as much money as possible. I hope everything is going great for everyone. Have a wonderful day and a prosperous new year!!